
Bartleby: You are responsible for raising an icon which draws worship from the Lord. You have broken the first commandment. Not only that, I'm afraid not a one of you passes for a decent human being. Your continued existence is a mockery of morality. Like you, Mr. Burton. Last year cheated on your wife of 17 years 8 times. You even had sex with her best friend while you were

supposed to be home watching the kids.
Loki: In the bed that you and your wife share, no less.
Bartleby: Mr. Newman - you got your girlfriend drunk at last year's Christmas party and then paid a kid from the mail room to have sex with her while she was passed out, just so you could break up with her guilt-free when she sobbingly confessed in the

morning. She killed herself two months later. Mr. Brace disowned his gay son. Very compassionate, Mr. Brace. Mr. Ray put his mother in a third-rate nursing home and then used the profits from the sale of her home to buy an oriental rug for himself. Heavens. Mr. Barker flew to Thailand on the company account to have sex with an eleven year old boy. Mr. Holtzman okayed the production of Mooby Dolls

from materials he knew to be toxic and unsafe, because it was - survey says? - less costly.
[sees the female board member]
Bartleby: You, on the other hand, are an innocent. You lead a good life. Good for you. But you, Mr. Whitland, you have more skeletons in your closet than the rest of this assembled party. I cannot even mention them aloud.

something in Whitland's ear]
Loki: You're his father, you sick fuck.
[Whitland starts crying]


Vianne Rocher: You've never really told me what the problem is - between you and Caroline.
Armande Voizin: 'Cause it's none of your damn business. I'm an embarrassment to her. I swear. I read dirty books. I eat and drink what I like. And sin of sins, I refuse to go to Les Mimosas.
Josephine: When I was a kid, we called it Le Mortoir.

It's a nursing home for old... It's in Toulouse.
Armande Voizin: Caroline loves the thought of a nurse with a clipboard recording my bowel movements.